CMK Corporation

CMK Group Human Rights Policy

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CMK Group Human Rights Policy

Based on its management policy of mutual respect, the CMK Group will contribute to the realization of a safe and comfortable society by continuing to supply products in line with the requirements and values of society, without being constrained by individuals' socio-economic backgrounds.
CMG Group Human Rights Policy (the "Policy") is hereby established to protect rights of all people engaging in our business activities.

1. Basic policy on human rights

We understand that our business activities may impact directly or indirectly on human rights, respect the human rights of all stakeholders who are affected by our business activities, and will fulfill our responsibility to promote the foregoing.

2. Scope of application

The Policy applies to all employees and officers of the CMK Group. We also expect all the business partners associated with the Company support and comply with the Policy.

3. Commitment to respect of human rights

The CMK Group supports the International Bill of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations and International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Labour Standards, and will promote initiatives for the respect of human rights.

4. Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, etc.

We will comply with the laws and regulations of the counties and regions in which we conduct business activities. In the event of any conflict between the laws and regulations of a country and internationally recognized human rights, we will pursue a method to respect international human rights policies to the fullest extent.

5. Identifying, treating, and disclosing human rights issues

In accordance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights of the United Nations, we will work to establish and implement human rights due diligence to identify, prevent and mitigate human rights risks associated with business activities.

6. Remedy / correction

If it is found that negative impacts on human rights have been caused or encouraged through our business activities, we will perform appropriate procedures for relief of the situation.
Moreover, we will work to establish an appropriate and practical complaint handling mechanism to ensure effective relief.
※ The CMK Group has established a whistle-blowing contact point for whistle-blowers from both inside and outside the Group.

7. Dialogue/discussion with stakeholders

In the series of initiatives under the Policy, we will sincerely engage in dialogue and discussions with stakeholders who are affected by our business.